(Date360) I'm a gurl of 25 yrs I stay a different location from ma boyfriend due to ma NYSC,we have dated for a year,he's always asking me to send ma nude pics to him, I used to do that but stopped wen I saw some girls pictures surfaced on d net,now he told me its ova cos I stopped sending ma nude pics to him,he always tell me about girls that disturb him,wen I tell him,he gets angry,I tried talking to him about not been able to send d pics again,he just called off d relationship,do u think he loves me and will cum back if I give him that space?
I often visit him where he is based wen I get d chance! he will send me girls pics n tell me that d r just friends wen I don't even ask him to,I feel he does all that to see ma reaction, but don't know why he wont understand that I can't b sending d nude pics again,,
Need your candid advice, Thank u