Imagine this: You started breaking out after applying some powder your eyes itch after using eyeliner. Before you it on the products used, let's discuss make-up hygiene.
Many ladies are unaware of a lot of disease and infections that can be contracted with an unhealthy make-over.
Every make-up product has preservatives with functions to prevent the breed of bacteria which could occur as a result of contamination or expiration. Bad make-up practices and product expiration weaken and destroy the effect of these preservatives. From conjunctivitis, acne, herpes, cold sores, and rashes, these infections abound.
Observing proper make-up hygiene reduces the risk of getting your products contaminated and keeping your skin healthy. Here is help for you:
1. Clean your hands
This is before using your fingers to apply make-up, including face creams and foundations. Fingertips are naturally oily and this oil can be transferred to your face and cause breakouts. Keep fingernails clean too.
2. Wash your face every night before going to bed
This way, you avoid messing the pillow, which rubs your face during sleep, thus causing blocked pores and breakouts.
3. Keep your applicators clean
Cleanliness is important for brushes and applicators. These should be cleaned regularly in hot soapy water. If you use sponges for foundation or powder, they should be cleaned weekly. Wash them well so that the soap residue would not irritate your skin and eyes.
4. Ensure proper storage
Your make-up should be stored in a cool dry place, away from moisture and heat. Warm, moist make-up is a breeding ground for bacteria.
5. Clean up after applying your make-up
Always recap make-up containers to prevent the product from drying out or being exposed to air-borne bacteria. Clean your make-up bag with warm, soapy water or antiseptic wipes. Clean all the products too. Let them dry completely before putting everything back in the bag to avoid creating a moist environment for bacteria to grow.
6. Never share make-up
It is risky. If someone really needs to borrow your mascara for example, either give the person a disposable mascara wand or discard after someone else used it. Know that eye infections, such as conjunctivitis can be spread through sharing eye make-up.
7. Learn to dispose
Are you suffering from an eye infection? Then, don't wear any eye make-up until the infection is fully treated and cured. However, if you do, throw the make-up products away to avoid re-occurrence.
8. Throw away aging products
Know that make-up also have shelf lives and they expire. Dispose of your make-up when they start to show signs of aging-changing colours, texture or smell.