For Parents With Young Children. Do You Still Use Expensive Phones?
My nearly 7 month old son prefer our phones to any of his toys, and shrieks every-time we try to make him give them back. Now one of my phones is already with the repairers as he has filled that with so much saliva, that if anyone calls, it would sound like rain.. My other phone (not as expensive) is now his new best friend, though i try to take it away from him sometimes. He will not let it rest especially when he catches me talking to anyone with it.. A friend of mine told me one of her children broke her bb screen and she is yet to fix the phone, §he cant buy any more expensive phones cus according to her " the children will still spoil it". My husband too is of the same view, and also jokingly pointed out that no matter how expensive the phones cost, by the time it is thrown into water, the parents of such a child can never kill that child because of it.. So my question here is do you parents still use expensive phones? if you do, how come you are still able to use one?