There is a long list of health benefits of massage therapy. Massages feel wonderful and can improve the quality of your life.
But getting to fit a session with a qualified massage therapist could be herculean! So, for some, the solution is to purchase an electric massage chair. Massage chairs are a relaxing way to get a massage without going to a masseuse. It could be used in the privacy of your home or in a public place where they are set up to help people relax.
These are usually pads you can place over an existing chair or they could be in the form of a free-standing recliner. Either way, the chair can be plugged in and the user can then use the controller to choose massage settings appropriate for his or her needs.
Have you given the use of this product a thought? Well, it is important to understand how a product works, and whether it will be effective in treating pain, muscle tension, or alignment issues. There is need to understand your body, the structure of your spine and muscles, as well as what is effective and ineffective in treating muscle tension.
Yes, an electrical massage chair can be affective and most often release tension and stress from your back. No, they are not always the most effective in improving your condition beyond pain relief and feeling good. This is where the hands of a well-trained, licensed masseur can go beyond the ability of a chair that plugs into the wall.
Making use of a massage chair is not as effective as using a licensed masseuse. Pressure sensitive rollers, heat, and different strokes and movements of mechanical parts work on a large scale do not focus on the injury itself.
For instance, it would be difficult to treat a sports injury with a massage chair compared to a licensed therapist that has focused his or her training in the field of sports injury. A licensed massage therapist will always be the best approach to finding balance in your body.
Moreover, know that the massage chair can only work on one side of your body — focusing on your back and sometimes working the back of your legs. But a massage therapist would be able to work your back, arms, neck, legs, hips, glutes, thighs, arms, and even face, offering you relief from pain throughout your body instead of temporary relief in only one area.
While they are great for taking care of you in between sessions, especially if you have money or scheduling problems, a massage chair can't talk to you about your symptoms, offer advice on how to alleviate your muscle tension, or really work on each muscle in an effort to guide you towards a final solution to your muscular maladies.
In addition, massage chairs are very heavy. Not only are they the size of recliners, they are made with electronic equipment that adds a lot of bulk and weight. This can be a huge disadvantage if you need to move it or have it shipped.
Some massage chairs also have a maximum user weight. This will be a disadvantage for those who weigh more than the maximum and cannot use the chair.
There is nothing wrong using the massage chair, it is just more productive seeing someone with two hands and 10 fingers. The combined skills of your massage therapist teamed with knowledge of anatomy can bring many long-term benefits and pain relief.