Where is Dame Patience Jonathan? we need to know Oct 3rd 2012, 16:30   The First lady has been missing in action in recent times, we have missed the many actions of the very active "First Lady" From Abuja, we heard she was in Dubai, (Although the authorities in Dubai denied knowing about her presence) Then news said she was Poisoned and has been flown to Win.........what what what in Germany, Just recently, Saharareporters said she is Parkinson ridden, then we wonder why Parkinson will affect our young Pretty First Lady. I thought Parkinson comes with aging and she is not a Boxer like Ali. Can someone help the curious Nigeria on the whereabouts of Mama?
"There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit." Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, (1769 – 1821).  | |