Pastor Kumuyi, Adeboye & Gbile Apostle or Teacher Oct 3rd 2012, 17:14  
I heard a man complaining (Lamenting) that there is a lack of teaching in today's Church, he further said that few Teachers in Nigerian Churches have made huge impacts on the lives of many Christians in the past, stressing that today's church is renown for motivations and that most Christians are "coffee like" in their search for God. He noted that Pastor Kumuyi was thorough Teacher and that Gbile Akanni is also a teacher with NO church. (IS THAT TRUE?) he was however confused on whether Pastor Adeboye can be called a Teacher, I found his remarks very interesting He said Adeboye is an Apostle Quoting Ephesian 4:11 "And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers",Can any one enlighten us about the Difference that exist between being a TEACHER and an Apostle. Is Kumuyi or Gbile Not also Apostle of some sorts? who is an Apostle according to the Bible "There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit." Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, (1769 – 1821).  | |